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S Of Word

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The word 'singular' is commonly understood mean to one. Adding the letter 's' to many singular words will make them plural. For example, the word 'chicken' is made into its plural form 'chickens' and the word 'roof' with the addition of an 's' becomes 'roofs.' 2 Endings 'ss' and 'ch'. The wife of Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor alleges she was insulted with a racial slur while grocery shopping this week.

Using the -s, -es, 's ending

There are four purposes for adding -s, -es, or 's to a word:

  • To create a plural noun (cats)
  • To conjugate a verb (snows)
  • To show possession (coach's, coaches')
  • To create a contraction (coach's meaning coach is or coach has)

Note that 's can signal noun possession and the contracted form of the words is and has in spoken English. Sentence context must be used to discern whether coach's means that the coach owns something or that it is a contraction of coach is or coach has. The pronunciation is the same whether the apostrophe is signaling a single owner (coach's) or many owners (coaches').

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To simplify this pronunciation lesson, only the apostrophe s ('s) spelling is being used.

Pronunciation of -s, -es, 's endings

Word In A Word

No matter the purpose or spelling of the -s, -es, 's ending, the pronunciation guidelines are the same. In English, the -s, -es, 's ending has three possible pronunciations:

  • /s/ 's sound': hats /hæts/
  • /z/ 'z sound': loves /lʌvz/
  • /ɪz/ 'short i'+'z sound': misses /'mɪ sɪz/

1: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /ɪz/

Pronounce the -s, -es, 's ending as as /ɪz/ when the final sound before the addition of the -s, -es, 's ending is any of the following:

1. /s/ 's sound': misses

2: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /s/

When the final sound of the word is an unvoiced sound (except the sounds listed for pattern #1), the -s, -es, 's ending is pronounced as /s/. An unvoiced sound does not use the vocal cords during its production. Besides the sounds listed for #1, English has only five other unvoiced sounds that occur at the end of a word:

1. /p/ 'p sound': stops

3: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /z/

When the final sound of the word is a voiced sound (except the sounds listed for pattern #1), the -s, -es, 's ending is pronounced as /z/. A voiced sound uses the vocal cords during its production. Since all vowel sounds are voiced, there are far more voiced sounds in English than unvoiced sounds. Besides the sounds listed for pattern #1, English has 10 other voiced consonant sounds that occur at the end of a word:

1. /b/ 'b sound': describes

S Word Of Name

The -s, 's, and s' in the word dogs is pronounced identically in all four sentences below. The context of the sentence is necessary to comprehend the meaning of the -s, 's, and s'.

List of s words

1. The dogs were barking all night long. (plural)

2. The dogs' collars should be replaced. (plural possessive)


Pictures Of S Words

4. The dog's been good and deserves a treat. (dog has)

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Dec 12 trending

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose
'Man fuck Donald trump, he wants to build a wall and don't pay taxes!!'
Get the fuck donald trump neck gaiter and mug.
A platitude verbal contribution to a group, to show you are alpha, but has little or no value, and provides no constructive solution, only talk. Manager that have no skills, but have a well paid position, often do the mother statement talk. Who else can waste the time of experts and not be chastised for it?
Appointed Boss-man: We cannot go forward with these production inefficiencies.
Engineer: Thanks for that motherhood statement, we're golden now!
Get a motherhood statement mug for your buddy Manafort.
A stupid person; it refers to the lack of surface area on an individual's brain. The general thought is that the more surface area (wrinkles, creases, etc.) a brain has, the smarter the person is. Conversely, a person with a smooth brain (no wrinkles) has less surface area and would therefore be stupid.
That fucking smooth brain put his shirt on backwards again..
That smooth brain is dumber than a pile of shit.
Get a Smooth Brain mug for your mother-in-law Riley.
A tiny, almost imperceptible cough, usually hidden behind a mask due to; emphysema, asthma, allergies or the dreaded COVID, so as not to alarm others to your potential of being 'the infected.'
I was walking through the grocery store and I had a tickle in my throat but I didn't want people to think I was contagious so I let out a microcough.
Get a microcough mug for your fish Zora.
A massive dump that takes 10 to 15 times to flush.
by JRBIV December 11, 2019
Pictures of s words

To simplify this pronunciation lesson, only the apostrophe s ('s) spelling is being used.

Pronunciation of -s, -es, 's endings

Word In A Word

No matter the purpose or spelling of the -s, -es, 's ending, the pronunciation guidelines are the same. In English, the -s, -es, 's ending has three possible pronunciations:

  • /s/ 's sound': hats /hæts/
  • /z/ 'z sound': loves /lʌvz/
  • /ɪz/ 'short i'+'z sound': misses /'mɪ sɪz/

1: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /ɪz/

Pronounce the -s, -es, 's ending as as /ɪz/ when the final sound before the addition of the -s, -es, 's ending is any of the following:

1. /s/ 's sound': misses

2: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /s/

When the final sound of the word is an unvoiced sound (except the sounds listed for pattern #1), the -s, -es, 's ending is pronounced as /s/. An unvoiced sound does not use the vocal cords during its production. Besides the sounds listed for #1, English has only five other unvoiced sounds that occur at the end of a word:

1. /p/ 'p sound': stops

3: -s, -es, 's ending pronounced as /z/

When the final sound of the word is a voiced sound (except the sounds listed for pattern #1), the -s, -es, 's ending is pronounced as /z/. A voiced sound uses the vocal cords during its production. Since all vowel sounds are voiced, there are far more voiced sounds in English than unvoiced sounds. Besides the sounds listed for pattern #1, English has 10 other voiced consonant sounds that occur at the end of a word:

1. /b/ 'b sound': describes

S Word Of Name

The -s, 's, and s' in the word dogs is pronounced identically in all four sentences below. The context of the sentence is necessary to comprehend the meaning of the -s, 's, and s'.

1. The dogs were barking all night long. (plural)

2. The dogs' collars should be replaced. (plural possessive)

Pictures Of S Words

4. The dog's been good and deserves a treat. (dog has)

Get a 21 mug for your buddy Jovana.

Dec 12 trending

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose
'Man fuck Donald trump, he wants to build a wall and don't pay taxes!!'
Get the fuck donald trump neck gaiter and mug.
A platitude verbal contribution to a group, to show you are alpha, but has little or no value, and provides no constructive solution, only talk. Manager that have no skills, but have a well paid position, often do the mother statement talk. Who else can waste the time of experts and not be chastised for it?
Appointed Boss-man: We cannot go forward with these production inefficiencies.
Engineer: Thanks for that motherhood statement, we're golden now!
Get a motherhood statement mug for your buddy Manafort.
A stupid person; it refers to the lack of surface area on an individual's brain. The general thought is that the more surface area (wrinkles, creases, etc.) a brain has, the smarter the person is. Conversely, a person with a smooth brain (no wrinkles) has less surface area and would therefore be stupid.
That fucking smooth brain put his shirt on backwards again..
That smooth brain is dumber than a pile of shit.
Get a Smooth Brain mug for your mother-in-law Riley.
A tiny, almost imperceptible cough, usually hidden behind a mask due to; emphysema, asthma, allergies or the dreaded COVID, so as not to alarm others to your potential of being 'the infected.'
I was walking through the grocery store and I had a tickle in my throat but I didn't want people to think I was contagious so I let out a microcough.
Get a microcough mug for your fish Zora.
A massive dump that takes 10 to 15 times to flush.
by JRBIV December 11, 2019
Get a Take a Trump mug for your guy Rihanna.
Treating every relationship like it's your last and getting super serious with someone you just started dating.

S Word Of Image

Person 1: who tf is that new chick w alex?
Person 2: idk he's been apocalypsinglike crazy
Get a Apocalypsing mug for your papa Georges.

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